Conan the Barbarian 2011

yeh, renter. i dont want to support the idea of a conan remake at the theater, but masochistic curiosity forces me to check out most of these childhood-memory-raping-cashgrabs
i don't care if its good or not, it's a fucking abomination. call me closed minded or immature but these remakes are fucking blasphemy and ruining that amazingly brutal and manly movie and replacing arnold with some new douchebag is complete bullshit. in the next earthquake i hope all of hollywood gets wiped the fuck out because it's become a blackhole. taking peoples great novels and turning them into movies is one thing (a lot of philip k dicks novels have been turned into good movies) but then remaking it again and again? they should come up with something new or at least semi fresh but they won't because they know people will just keep watching the same shit over and over if it has cgi and can be a time waster. fucking argh.

when that total recall remake comes out i'm going to make sure i hear NOTHING about it because i know if i do i'll flip out.
yeh, renter. i dont want to support the idea of a conan remake at the theater, but masochistic curiosity forces me to check out most of these childhood-memory-raping-cashgrabs

Huh? The Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Wicker Man and Psycho remakes were all so much better than the originals. Can't wait until they remake The Matrix. That's should be really awesome!
Also to be fair, he looks a hell of a lot more like how Conan actually looks than what Arnold did. Doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but they actually made Conan look like Conan instead of He-Man the Hungarian.
I haven't been following the plot about the remake, but is he now no longer a Cimmerian?






to be fair the dude playing conan is the dude who played Khal Drogo in game of thrones, and he was pretty badass in that.


The original was a classic, but it was also cheesy. That's why we love it. We don't love it because it's a fantastic movie, we love it because Arnold goes, "AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!" through the entire movie.

I personally liked Destroyer better.
I thought this was a fun one. Those of you who are going to wait and rent it will regret not seeing all those titties on the big screen! :loco:
It was OK, I had hoped for a bit more. It got really cartoony in spots, him holding the sword up like He-man several times and the dialog got really clunky in spots.

Fright Night on the other hand was a pleasant surprise.
Dan, did you see Planet of the Apes? I assumed it would be terrible but I heard it is getting decent reviews.

I need to see that, Fright Night, and Del Toro's Don't be Afraid of the Dark . Remakes galore!
Off topic, but Rise of the Planet of the Apes was actually very good. It barely has any real connection to the other ape movies, and could easily have stood on it's own with a very different title.