concert horror stories!!!!!


Sep 30, 2005
Anyone have some good ones.....

- At the Metal Gods US tour everything was going smooth and then during Testament the PA and amps got all messed up and everyone had to wait like 15 to 20 minutes until they fixed things...basically cutting Testaments set time to nothing. Nothing feels longer than time waiting for a band to play.
This was also the same show when Jason who was a big Primal Fear fan came walking in just as the last note was played from their set.

-Milwaukee Metalfest 2005- usually they list out who is playing on which day. This time they didnt and I went up there alone on friday hoping to see a few decent bands. I knew Macabre was playing and I figured a few others would at least be playing too. Go there are 11 AM....doors were supposed to open at noon. At 1 they finally opened. Dealer rooms were terrible. Looked for the set times. No one worth while until 10 PM....that was Macabre. Everyone else who I was interested in seeing were playing on saturday. I stuck around all day to see Macabre. 10 PM hits....Goatwhore come out. No Macabre. I go to the Macabre merch booth and find out they got moved to saturday due to poor planning. I then had a long dull drive back home wasting a whole day.

- Angra - Rileys Rock House. - Still to this day the show was ruined for me by these two yuppie girls and their two hipster boyfreinds who pushed thier way up front and were dancing all goofy the whole show in front of everyone around them. Basically being annoying the whole time. A few of us who I met at the show still bring it up every once in awhile because it was so odd.

I will think of more work to do. anyone else have any???
I went to the Saturday night fights one time and a Guns N Roses concert broke out :rolleyes: That was after a 2 1/2 hour delay...the fights were actually more entertaining.

The 2nd BW&BK show Brainstorm was supposed to play at a set time and apparently the members of a band that played before them got into a fight the night before so they didn't play and they bumped everybody up one slot so I missed most of Brainstorms set. :zombie:

I saw the Monsters of Rock in the Pontiac Silverdome and the acoustics were so bad there that most of everyones set was fuzzy and unintelligible. Seems like Kingdom Come was the only band where the sound was half decent.

Other than that I've been pretty lucky. I've seen tons of concerts and most have gone off without a hitch.
Yeah, walking into METAL GODS show, and seeing Ralf Sheepers say, "Thank you Chicago. Good night!" That sucked......

Many years back, showing up to the Riviera to find out that the Overkill / Nuclear Assault show was canceled (This was 1988, LONG before internet, so fans had no way to learn of things like this in advance)
I dont post here too much, but I figured I'd throw one of the stories I remember in here. I went to see Deicide in Chicago and they were going to go on right after Amon Amarth...So after the AA set they set up all of Deicides equipment and we waited for what seemed to be an eternity just to find out that Deicide wasn't going to show up. So I drove a nice aggrevating 5 hours home.
When I saw Nile/ Kreator/ Vader / Amom Amarth / Goatwhore at the Vic. I got my favorite spot and his guy stood next to me. He looked odd so I tried to avoid eye contact so he wouldnt talk to me. Sure enough....he started in. It looked like he had a stroke and he was slurring his words and talking real loud and he was also a close talker. He talked all the way though Goatwhore....not a big deal. I was basically there to see Amon Amarth and Kreator. Well this guy just kept talking...I even told him to hold on I want to hear this band....he kept it was too crowded to move. He wrecked almost the whole show for me.
Iron Maiden/Dio/Motorhead at the Tweeter Center, I got there only to discover that my seats were right behind a freakin pillar that held the roof up, I actually had to lean to the side just to see center stage.:Smug:
After time passed by right before Motorhead hit the stage the sun was coming down and it was hitting me right in the face, not only did I have to lean to see Motorhead, now I had to block the sun from my face. :bah:
Fast forward to halfway through Iron Maiden's set, I feel like someone was spilling a drink on my leg behind me, I turned around only to find out that it was not a drink but a guy trying to piss on a cup but he was so wasted that he was pissin all over my feaking shoe and leg! :eek: WTF?! Yeah that show sucked.
- Angra - Rileys Rock House. - Still to this day the show was ruined for me by these two yuppie girls and their two hipster boyfreinds who pushed thier way up front and were dancing all goofy the whole show in front of everyone around them. Basically being annoying the whole time. A few of us who I met at the show still bring it up every once in awhile because it was so odd.

I wasn't at this show but I think I know who the people you're referring to are since the description fits perfectly..ha...I used to be friends with one of the guys back in high school and while we still remain in contact, he sort of lost his metal roots and got all high and mighty about things.
One for me that comes to mind is Iced Earth/Bodom/Evergrey at the Metro. We left for the 7pm show at 4pm thinking that was plenty of time. Traffic was like I've never seen it before and it took us all 3 hours to get down there. We haul ass into the venue so we don't miss any of Evergrey's set only to see Evergrey walking off the stage. Aparently they went on at 6:30, needless to say I pitched a fit to the promoters about the wrong start time and got into my next few concerts free o charge and I got to see Evergrey in Milwaukee 2 nights later so it worked out.

Actually that entire weekend was destined to be bad, so then from Milwaukee we drive up to Minneapolis hoping to catch Twelfth Gate the next day at a fest they are playing and they were either bumped to the next day or put on the day before and we weren't able to make it out because of arrangements I already setup with my family to hang with them since they are up there.
Iron Maiden/Dio/Motorhead at the Tweeter Center, I got there only to discover that my seats were right behind a freakin pillar that held the roof up, I actually had to lean to the side just to see center stage.:Smug:
After time passed by right before Motorhead hit the stage the sun was coming down and it was hitting me right in the face, not only did I have to lean to see Motorhead, now I had to block the sun from my face. :bah:
Fast forward to halfway through Iron Maiden's set, I feel like someone was spilling a drink on my leg behind me, I turned around only to find out that it was not a drink but a guy trying to piss on a cup but he was so wasted that he was pissin all over my feaking shoe and leg! :eek: WTF?! Yeah that show sucked.

I think you were sitting right around where JAsonic and I were. This guy was sitting a few seats from us....and we were close to a pillar but not having it block us.
One for me that comes to mind is Iced Earth/Bodom/Evergrey at the Metro. We left for the 7pm show at 4pm thinking that was plenty of time. Traffic was like I've never seen it before and it took us all 3 hours to get down there. We haul ass into the venue so we don't miss any of Evergrey's set only to see Evergrey walking off the stage. Aparently they went on at 6:30, needless to say I pitched a fit to the promoters about the wrong start time and got into my next few concerts free o charge and I got to see Evergrey in Milwaukee 2 nights later so it worked out.


Jasonic and I were at that show, he lived a few blocks from there so we walked over early to check things out and sure enough the doors were open a hour early. we walked right in and literally Evergrey came out....and played for like 50 people. Once they were 6:45 or so....the rest of the crowd walked in thinking they were going to start the show....actually it wasnt the Metro's was Iced Earths fault becuase they had a long set planned and poor communication was set up.
Yeah, I forgot about the Evergrey fiasco (I guess because we WERE there on time). As Bob said, we were one of a small amount of people who were there to watch Evergrey. Lots of pissed off people came in to see Children of Bodom already playing.
Yeah, I forgot about the Evergrey fiasco (I guess because we WERE there on time). As Bob said, we were one of a small amount of people who were there to watch Evergrey. Lots of pissed off people came in to see Children of Bodom already playing.

I could type many stories about set time mess ups....that is basically the whole Milwaukee Metalfest. Opening acts play too long because they think people are getting into them. I remember some band covering a SLayer song and no one cared. THe sound guy cut thier sound and they were yelling "it's Slayer, you cant cut us"...sound goes back on. The same night...many bands from across the seas get's thier set times cut down so most get three to four songs....but the high school grind band got to cover a slayer song for 4 guys. I guess that is all that matters.
Hahaha. Yea, that was DEW SCENTED doing War Ensemble.
It was one of the few performances that day that actually got the crowd moving (Except for Vio-Lence).

I think EVERYONE can tell at least one horror story from attenting Milwaukee Metalfest!
I have 2.....I'm old, so bear with me on these bands.....

Van Halen, the 1984 tour with David Lee Roth: It was at the Allstate arena (formerly the Rosemont Horizon), Eddie, David and Michael were all so was horrible. Someone threw a bra on the stage (normal for back then? I guess), and David said to Eddie....(btw it was a VERY small bra hehehe) "Wow Eddie, this looks like Valerie's bra.....oh wait, this is too BIG to be Valerie's bra!!" Then about 20 mins later Eddie was doing one of his solo's and since we were sitting on the side we got to see the whole glorious "puking behind the gong" was a little sickening....but I must say, he didn't miss a note....I hated that show because it was like the crowd wasn't even there and you could feel the animosity between the band.....David showed no "showmanship", and it was like watching a few drunken, almost dead fish.....I vowed I would never see them again with David Lee Roth, and have kept true to my word.

Aerosmith, can't remember what year, (need to get my ticket stub album out to find it), but Ted Nugent was opening for them:
Teddy rocked!! Stole the show....but then Aerosmith came out and they were so drunk.....Steven came up from the bottom of the stage sitting at a piano and proceeded to "try" to play Dream On...not only could he not play the piano, he forgot the words!! It was horrible. Then I guess Perry was having some problems with the tech guy.....there were white sheets with lights behind them showing shadows of what was going on behind the stage. Well, Perry stopped in the middle of his solo.....drunkenly walked behind the stage and punched his tech guy....all in silhouette of course...very unprofessional....needless to say, I vowed to never see them again either.

My stories may not be REALLY horrible, but on a personal level, if I pay good money to see a band, I would love to be able to see them in top form, or at least closer to it than Van Halen and Aerosmith were......
Hahaha. Yea, that was DEW SCENTED doing War Ensemble.
It was one of the few performances that day that actually got the crowd moving (Except for Vio-Lence).

I think EVERYONE can tell at least one horror story from attenting Milwaukee Metalfest!

No, this was on a day you were not was really early in the day.
No, this was on a day you were not was really early in the day.

Oh, well, maybe it was them again.
I mean would you or anyone else really notice if the same band played more than once? :lol:

Ahh, ok nevermind now that I come to think about it.
Dew Scented were in 2002. This must have been 2003.
Oh, well, maybe it was them again.
I mean would you or anyone else really notice if the same band played more than once? :lol:

Ahh, ok nevermind now that I come to think about it.
Dew Scented were in 2002. This must have been 2003.

yeah, it was a bunch of young kids on stage. But every damn year this stuff happened and made the better bigger bands loose valuable set time.
OH, you mean like when ENSLAVED were only given FOUR songs!
That was complete blasphemy!! (No pun intended!)

Usurper got three songs. Zanadelle got 4, thank God..they were really over rated. Lots of other bigger names were getting thier sets cut really short. The Enslaved was the worst....even not being a fan, it was stupd becuase this band come across the globe for a week tour and 4 songs.
Another one that came to my head was Jag Panzer getting stuck in Chicago Cubs playoff traffic, and getting to the Vic late
(They were opening for Helloween, in 2003).
I think they only got like 4 or 5 songs.
Luckily, we had seen them a number of times right before then.
Though you were screwed if JP was a primary reason for attending the gig.