Concert in Cleveland, OH ... who is going ... what's the plan 0())))

I'm driving 35 minutes from house to get there and rock out to Opeth.

Just to let the people know that are comming in from far away, Three Doors Down are playing in the theater at the same time and that show is sold out so the parking situation might suck.
Originally posted by Dan
Just to let the people know that are comming in from far away, Three Doors Down are playing in the theater at the same time and that show is sold out so the parking situation might suck.

ugh, I know :mad:
You will end up paying 10 dollars to park at the shady gas station or something and be ready for hustlers to ask you for money and shit. I love the Agora but I hate the area it is in and I especially hate when there are two shows going on at once.
All that being said, I cannot fucking wait to go see Opeth headline a show!
sucks that :(

i'm gonna drive from michigan about 5 hours ...
I hope weather will not suck ... 0( ... anyway
parking will be shitty case for sure =*0( ...

so ... anyone know why paradise lost is not
heading ... they suppose to be bigger ... or
they now just like farty mans? 0))
Originally posted by taxslave
Myself and 2 of my friends are coming from Pittsburgh...will be staying overnight at a hotel nearby. You'll notice us, we'll be the only thirtysomethings there:lol:

oh come on, I doubt that ;)
Old fogies? LOLOLOL!!!!! I am older than all of you so there! And I adore Opeth!

I will be driving with my son 1 1/2 hours from south of Dayton to pick up my girlfriend in Columbus. Then I will drive about another 3 hours to my other girlfriend and her son's house in Cleveland where we will all go on to the concert. So far there will be 5 in our group, ages ranging from 15 to ummm.... well, over 30! LOL! Just look for the woman with short spikey brown hair, and HUGE dimples. No, not on my ass dammitt! When I SMILE! Which I plan to be doing a lot of when I see them. :)

Cant wait!

Wow...I'll be 35 on Feb 1st and I thought maybe I and my friend who is older than me would be the oldest people there. I am not familiar with the area or the they serve alcohol at the Agora? Is it a high crime area of town, because we were planning on walking from the hotel.
You obviously have no idea what the metal scene is like here in Cleveland. Cleveland has an awesome and diverse metal crowd, and many are older than 30 including myself. The Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles festival is happening here in Cleveland so obviously someone finally noticed us!