Concrete Coffin bay area thrash


New Metal Member
Mar 29, 2008
But seriously, this shit is so clone and generic, they're even singing 80s themed songs.
Honestly, I ended any love affair I had with Bay Area Thrash scene, in the past or present, when I heard the new Death Angel album. Not even the new Testament can redeem the damage Death Angel did to that scene.
honestly to the original poster, if its your band just say so dude, also congrats if you get on tidal wave, i've been going the past few years and exodus is going to fuckin rip it up! even though a ton of the people in here are totally ripping on the band, i actually think its some pretty heavy shit, there are sooooo many more unoriginal bands, mostly from la where this kinda sound isn't something that i'd call completely exhausted and not worthy of listening to. a lot of the new bands literally have riffs and sounds that were even old and unoriginal in the 80s so to me this isn't bad.
Mekong Delta's "The Music Of Erich Zann" is one of the most overlooked yet completely fantastic masterpieces. That record puts them ahead of all the other great techno-thrashers like Coroner, Toxik, Heathen (well, not so much techno) or the almost forgotten Anacrusis.
Mekong Delta's "The Music Of Erich Zann" is one of the most overlooked yet completely fantastic masterpieces. That record puts them ahead of all the other great techno-thrashers like Coroner, Toxik, Heathen (well, not so much techno) or the almost forgotten Anacrusis.

Everything Mekong Delta has released is a masterpiece. Dances of Death makes me quite wet.

Anacrusis' was fucking amazing. I'm surprised they haven't been dug up at this point and bastardized. :kickass: