Congratulations Behringer, you just lost me a client.


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
This happened about a week back and I just wanted to bring it up for discussion.

My story is; I had a potential client come to my studio to check the place out and have a chat about booking some dates. Everything was going smoothly until he noticed the ADA8000 nestled in my rack, which is used entirely for triggers.


Which I then explained, he then left saying something along the lines of using behringer gear in any capacity isn't professional. Now I have gone through a Mackie Onyx and a Focusrite Octopre over the last 3 years due to things failing, so far the ADA has lasted a year and been nothing but reliable.

Also I charge $35 an hour for tracking / editing with a set (low) rate for mixing. I am charging roughly half what other (albeit much more experience and more equipped) studios in Perth are charging. I use a Fireface800 as my main converters and run an Octopre and the ADA8000 for extra channels. I'm completely ITB and use PT9 with paid for plugins (you know you've spent to much on plugins when you have a second iLok).

So I'm basically a middle of the road studio, I'm not operating out of a bedroom, I rent out two adjacent rooms at a rehearsal studio, that was built for use as a recording studio (higher ceilings, separating double glass, walls filled with tontine for isolation, I treated the whole thing myself). So its been a serious investment, all up I've thrown around $25,000 at this over the last 4 years. And I lose work over an AD8000.

Has anyone else experience something like this? I realize its your skills that count not your gear, but musicians somehow forget that.

What do you think I should do? Buy another Octopre or something? Scratch the logo off? Hide it?

Also don't get me started on the time I lost the chance to work on a full length because I used Logic at the time.

So apologies for the rant, its late at night and I've been working to hard.
Yeah musicians are pretty dumb, you could probably get away with scratching off the logo. I would scratch off the AD 8000 thing as well. Don't even give people a chance to look with thier eyes.

I have a behringer headphone amp that I don't really use and just takes up rack space, but have been thinking of taking it out because the company really does have a junky reputation in people's mind.

But also +1 to what everyone else has said. He wasn't gonna record with you anyway.
Yeah, your client should tell the same thing to Tue Madsen for listening through TRUTHS. Totally unprofessional.... :Smug:
i dont think that people should think in that way from what they are seeing in the studio.the first album from mors principium est was made in studio that was full of behringer equipment and the album have awesome production
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I agree that it sounds like he wasn't interested in the first place and was just looking for an excuse. But you never know...
After all there are still musician's that believe anything but Pro Tools isn't professional either.
You should tell this story to the guy running the shit_band_say twitter account, I think it's Brian Kozicki (arv_foh on the forum) :D
i dont think that people should think in that way from what they are seeing in the studio.the first album from mors principium est was made in studio that was full of behringer equipment and the album have awesome production

Mors Principium Est is just glorious. Too bad they don't release an album since 2007, good songs and tight mixes (for melodeath standards).