Congratulations / Felicidades!!!


Aug 13, 2002
Puerto Rico
Visit site
I just want to say congratulations once again to All That I Bleed for what they've achieved so far. It took a while for it to happen, but it sure seems like it was well worth the wait. Keep it up and please try your best in order to see you guys playing live (of course in Puerto Rico first, then anywhere else ;-) Saludos!!!

Alexis a.k.a. Esternel

P.S. Leo, maldita sea, salte de internet un rato. Te estuve llamando y siempre estaba ocupado, y tu celular esta desconectado...

P.S.2. Saludos Leo y Jorge!!!!!!

P.S.3. Sorry for the Spanish to all of the non-Spanish speakers...

;) just droppin a few lines to say hi, and congratulations.. metal is not my fav gerne, but hey! u guys rock!

all of you, except jorge.. hehehehehe ;) :D "yo tambien te quiero"

no, for real, thanks for coming to the show.. youre always welcome to come back whenever u guys want...

exito en todo.. son una chuleria! :p

and jorge.... tu y yo tenemos algo aun pendiente.... JAJAJAJA ;)

take care u guys... u have a new friend here!


Originally posted by saturnix
hmm. i probably said that wrong. actually, i was just trying to ask if ATIB is a spanish band.


well if you mean if the band is from Spain, the answer would be no, but we hail from Puerto Rico and our main language is Spanish. At the moment our songs are sung in english, maybe in the future we will write something in spanish...

Thanks for your interest,