Continuing with the Pre-Show CD Buying . . .


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
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Like Creeps, I warmed up with an order from Century Media. Most of these CDs are ones in which I've downloaded all the songs and have gotten around to purchasing (the way mp3 sharing is *supposed* to work).

Kamelot - Epica (haven't listened yet)

Storyteller- Storyteller - Sure, it is your basic fantasy powermetal, but I like the heavy sound this band displays on its debut

Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings - Century was offering the classic for $5.

Balance of Power - Perfect Balance - (Haven't listened yet)

Dream Evil - Evilized - (Haven't listened yet)

Falconer - Debut - This band is great, but I've heard the singer recently left

Sonata Arctica - Silence - I love this band. Their second album isn't as good as the debut, but it still is excellent.

DragonForce - Valley of the Damned - I'm hoping to read them as a PPIV participant. I've been a huge fan of this band since thier debut on I am still getting used to the new album, because the songs sound different than the demo recordings I've played so many times. Some of their sound is a bit lighter in tone, but overall still a very good debut.

That should hold me over for a little while, although I still have a looooonng list of wants.

ack! Dream Evil's new one is out!?!?!

I don't have the Falconer debut album or do I? the one I have came out in 2001 according to the copyright notice. Has a song called Heresey In Disguise.

or Balance of Power - how are they?

Storyteller.. I like the fantasy stuff too, how do you compare them to other bands like that?

---edit start here---
I agree on the mp3 'sharing' too, hell the only way these bands will know that there's a market here is if we buy their cds. I have about 40 albums of mp3s on my PC right now that slowly get deleted as I pick up the actual discs. Most of the stuff I download is out of print goodness fromt he 80s-early 90s, so it takes me a while to find that stuff (mostly ebay wars).
---end edit---
The new Dream Evil is not as good as the first one, from what I have heard. I'll let you know when I get to it (my damn job keeps me from doing all of these more important things, you know).

Yes, you have the Falconer debut (with Heresy in Dsiguise on it). If you like that, I highly recommend buying the second, which is more of the same but very well done. Highlights to download and check it out: Busted to the Floor, Clarion Call, For Life & Liberty

Balance of Power is amazing. They are more melodic than heavy, though. Similar to Ten, but more like Ten's heavier songs. I have "Ten Tales of Grand Illusion" and I recommend it.

Storyteller . . . um. I've liked them for a while, but somehow never got around to buying the album (they have a second one as well). They have a little more of a plodding sound than the typical "Freedom Call' type power metal bands. I'd say the singer sounds a bit like Jag Panzer. Check out "Book of Mystery" and see for yourself.

As for a shopping list, there are a bunch of things I am waiting for:

Circle II Circle
New Stratovairus (although I've heard bad things about it).
Morifade's 2 full albums
Dio's new one
A whole bunch of other stuff . . .
New Stratovairus (although I've heard bad things about it).

Hey, I think the Stratovarius is great, and I am a harsh critic. So you can take that for what it's worth. Probably nothing, but whatever.
New Stratovarius is incredible in my opinion.

I also have both Morifafade albums.. I liked the newer one more than the 1st, but both are great. Out of 10 skulls, I'd give the 1st one a 7 and the new one an 8.5

For the record, I download all my tunes at the newsgroup alt binaries mp3 heavy-metal or something similar, and another one alt binaries heavy metal full albums.

I downloaded the new Dream Evil some time ago, I just need to get my hands on the disc now!

Oh, DIO Magika? is that the new one you're referring to? If not, I must be out of the loop.. hehe