Convicted Child Molster "Too Short" for Prison

Castration is not a bad idea. As harsh as the word itself seems, it has been proven to curb the enthusiasm of some of these disgusting pedophiles.
I never understood why child molesters have such light sentances. Never. Child molesters deserve to be castrated and sent to jail for their lives. It's right up there with murder.
darkdivinity said:
I never understood why child molesters have such light sentances. Never. Child molesters deserve to be castrated and sent to jail for their lives. It's right up there with murder.

I would say it is worse than murder because the victim is still alive and has to deal with the mental anguish for the rest of their lives. They(pedophiles) really should be castrated and sent to solitary confinement for the rest of their life.
i don't know how much you all know about prisions and the population.

Child Molesters and certain "special" folks get put into separate wards becuase common criminals would kill them in a heartbeat.

I've seen shows where convicts openly admitted its the one of the few things they have less tolerance for than anything else.

Also one of my roomates' his mom was a prison guard at a facility in Nevada, and she did score a kill on a pain in the ass guy that tried to escape.

she conveinently missed on shot 2 - the warning shot and went right to shot 3 - KILL.

Then have this done to them for the rest of their days.

Image is of man hanging by his nuts if you cant be arsed to look.

Just heard this on the news, two 13-year old girls where stabbed and raped in an appartment in Stockholm yesterday. One of the died while the other one got out of there.

The fucker who did it will proably get a famous lawyer and he´ll go on about how abused the poor guy was as a child and then some fucking bitches will send him letters and tell us "you don´t understand him like I do"...

A nation full of cunts.
The judge should have her hole raped by a large razor studed cock and this psycho should be tortured slowly to death starting with the removal of his cock with a rusty butterknife. Fuck I'll do it if no one else will.. Seriously if the Punisher was a real life person crime would drop in a heartbeat.
As much as you think this is a stupid ruling...
Ian442 is right, this guy wouldn't last a day in general population. He'll still wind up in jail but not with violent criminals.
And molestation is nowhere near as bad as murder. Its not even as bad as rape.
Jowood said:
As much as you think this is a stupid ruling...
Ian442 is right, this guy wouldn't last a day in general population. He'll still wind up in jail but not with violent criminals.
And molestation is nowhere near as bad as murder. Its not even as bad as rape.

As the criminal perpetuating the act, I suppose murder is worse. But as the victim, I would say who the fuck are you to determine what is as bad as molestation? You don't know how molestation affects people unless you yourself were molested and then you can only go based on your own experience. If it wasn't that bad, why prosecute in the first place? That shit follows people for the rest of their lives. If you are murdered, you are dead. No lingering afterthoughts. Plus, people who kill can kill only one person in their life and thats it (jealous husband, disgrunted employee, etc). I THINK even a rapist can rape once and never rape again. But once a molestor, always a molestor. And why the fuck would I give a shit if a molestor wouldn't last a day in gen pop if he did something to my daughter? And he's not going to jail. HE IS ON PROBATION. He is only going to jail IF he doesn't follow the outline of his probation and then ONLY for 30 days a year. WTF?
Serial rapists exist.
My next point is if you put him in general population to punish him for molestation an even more heinous crime will be done...
He will be killed.
A 49 inch non-violent person in general population who committed a crime as hated and loathesome as molestation is dead meat. Why do people want this guy to die? He will go to jail, he will be punished, I'm just saying why have him get killed over it?
Jowood said:
Serial rapists exist.
My next point is if you put him in general population to punish him for molestation an even more heinous crime will be done...
He will be killed.
A 49 inch non-violent person in general population who committed a crime as hated and loathesome as molestation is dead meat. Why do people want this guy to die? He will go to jail, he will be punished, I'm just saying why have him get killed over it?

I know that serial rapists exists. You said that molestation wasn't as bad as murder or rape. I was trying to point out that it is possible for a person to be convicted of rape and never do it again (i.e. being at a party, girl liquored up, things get out of hand, you end up in court and convicted - I'm not arguing whether its right or wrong, just saying it happens). So you can be convicted of murder or rape and never do it again. There is an excellent chance that this guy will be convicted again in the next 10 years of molestation because once a child molestor, always a child molestor.

As for what happens to him in jail - why should I give a fuck? Did he think about what consquences would occur once he molested the child? I don't think so. Did he care that his act, even if it happened only once, might scar this child, leaving him or her untrustworthy of adults or affect future relationships? No, he didn't. If he cares so much about not getting killed in jail, I have an idea. DON'T COMMIT A CRIME. I don't want to go to jail so you know what, I'm not a fucking criminal. Not that hard.