Cool place you have here

Power From Hell

Dark Lord Of Dipsomania
Oct 23, 2004
I just found this place yesterday and joined today after reading a buttload of posts and reviews.

I'm a 43 year old guy who's happily married and very comfortable in life.

My passions in life are music, video games, toys, movies and heavy drinking.

I find that most of the people I know don't share the same interest in music I do. Most of my old friends have drifted away (or maybe it's me). So I find myself listening to death/black stuff on my own with a bottle of Jager near.

Right now I'm heavily into Bloodbath, Lamb Of God, Dimmu Borgir, Katatonia, Naglfar...

Just went and saw LOG, Fear Factory, Children Of Bodom a week or 2 ago in Va. Beach.
LOG had sickest pit I've seen in a LOOOONG time!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that there are still some of us old school guys still around.
Power From Hell said:
My passions in life are music, video games, toys, movies and heavy drinking.

I wish I had a dad like you(probably except for the heavy drinking). My step-father comes home, eats, watches TV, and sleeps. I dont talk to him, he doesnt talk to me.
awesome man welcome

I will be in the state you are in *edit 20 years!!

as of now I am 23
Happily married, into video games, heavy drinking and listening to metal!!

Fuck yeah!