Cool things best friends do for you.

My best friend hunted down my boyfriend-of-the-time, who thought I kissed another guy, in another state and made him come and listen to me. It sound like nothing big, but it was a huge drama at the time.
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
the coolest thing my best friend "aka Analog Kid" did for me was give me his Shecter Diamond acoustic guitar after my crappy epiphone was stolen in Nashville.


Well, it isn't like you haven't pulled my fat out of the fire a time or two as well! Like when I needed a bigger hard drive and you gave me one of yours. Still spinning as we speak!:D

By the way, "is your burden heavy, man"?:cool:
damn, this thread makes me realize that I'M the one that's always bending over backward, doing thoughtful stuff for my best friend, and yet she never returns the favors. that's annoying. :mad:

i got a surprise party once, though. even that was kind depressing though -- basically, i was planning on hanging with my 4 friends that night anyway. the only difference was, my parents were there too. :lol: but thoughtful, nonetheless.
(applaud's Misanthrope's rather predictably sticking to his, quite overtly defined, character)

My best friend bought be a complete set of really cheapass garage-sale bought golf clubs and bag once when we were starting to get into playing golf. They were nothing great or anything, but I didn't have any golf clubs - and then suddenly I did. It was very cool.

Another time, the first time I got REALLY drunk (New Year's 2000), he basically babysat me while I puked my guts out and then worked my shift for me the next day (on no sleep), and saved my relationships with a couple of people by explaining all the stupid shit I said/did, and saved my job.

Another of my best friends once arranged to drive me up to a Halloween party in a Hummer, and then arranged for me to an all-inclusive stay in one of the rooms upstairs (a bed and breakfast), and drove me home the next day. That was very cool as well.

Another of my best friends once wrote me a story - his re-interpretation of the Bible, strictly for my amusement. It was, like, 10 or 12 pages long or something (I don't think he got past Genesis) it was great.

I've had friends give me unexpected gifts (cds etc) at un expected times. I've had suprise parties thrown for me. Not lately, but back in the day, on the playgrounds, I've had friends "get my back" in fights and other forms of danger.

Like Lina, come to think of it, I have always been on the giving side of the end. I've done some heart-warmingly generous things myself. I'm not sure if I ever loved as in LOVED a best friend. Wish I could.

You, blackmetalmp, are a lucky man. With that said, I hope nothing jinxes your relationship. :)

postedit: Come to think of it, there was this very very significant thing a best friend did for me, for which I'll be eternally grateful. But it's personal. But I forgot about it...girls make great friends too (and I'm not talking about the sexxx, heh)
i cant really pinpoint one thing, but its more the attitude my best friends have towards me, they arent afraid to go out of their way to do something for me, because they know ill do the same for them.

I guess its little things like spending well over an hour on the phone constantly saying "so are you gonna come out tonight?", until i give in... makes me feel really wanted.
we just hang out. My fiends are good to talk to, which is the best thing, otherwise I'd probably self-destruct in 5-4-3-2-1...bang...
I also like just going and doing pointless dumb stuff when we're bored....anything for some excitement, no?
The coolest thing my best friend has done for me? Hmm... I'd have to say: He doesn't pretend to be paying attention to me. He doesn't pretend to care about what I have to say. He has never intentionally hurt me... as so many others have.