
Hey this is definately cool.
How are you doing Metalman.
I have been suffering with cold but still managed to get to the Almighty show in London and rock out big time.
Heard the news that saxon are supporting Priest in December, gonna be great.
Catch up with you some time.
I am fine thanks.
Glad you enjoyed The Almighty, not that keen on the new album.
Bit of a dilema about the 19th have already half promised to take my Son to see Area 54 in Coventry that night.
I was in Stevenage today, where were you hiding:D :D
so it is you that is responsible for making me late for work!!
OH no! that is a big Dilema... i would suggest that Area 54 do a small set before both saxon and Judas priest..that would be solving all problems then........ oh well (sighs) hopefully you will be able to make it.
Yeah the new Almighty one takes a bit of listening to before it really kicks in.

Hiding today at home on a day off.. in work tomorrow and then Thursday onwards for three days.
Maybe catch up with you soon.
Hi Thespawned,
Well i live in a little village Ickleford near Hitchin.
so not to far away from yourself really.
Metalman from the site also lives in Hitchin.
There is quiet a healthy metal scene here abouts.
Not sure where godisanatheist comes from??? but like me probably hates the rail companies by now!!! grrrrr!! get it together dudes.
Will be nipping over to the station soon to spread some more leaves on the track.
Will I see you at Plinston Hall on 7th December for a most splendid night of Metal:headbang:
Originally posted by Thespawned
where abouts in the UK do u live?

im in ST neots (cambridgeshire)

:lol: I only just saw this one! Oops, hehe!

Yes it was me I was out laying leaves on the line last night

Unless you got run over whiledoing it it wasn't you after all!! There was a fatality in Hitchin! :eek:

Not sure where godisanatheist comes from??? but like me probably hates the rail companies by now!!! grrrrr!! get it together dudes

Near royston, but fuck yeah. Instead of the trains being 20+minutes late every day why not just keep the fucking emergency time table! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Will be nipping over to the station soon to spread some more leaves on the track.

Feel free, I have hysics first 2moro :D
A 15 year old girl commited suicide on Friday at Hitchin station by jumping on the track in front of a train:cry: