Cooper dreaming


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
The other morning I had a dream that I just happened to be in Perth, and funnily enough the streets looked like Indonesian ones. So anyway I popped in to see Cooperman, but his brother (do you have one Coops?!) told me he wasn't in. Then some Korean-looking girl starting abusing the hell out of me for no good reason. It was very strange. Psycho young lady. Then I woke up.

Anyone else ever had a dream about anyone from UM?
The Korean looking girl was his brother! No wonder he was so upset, you called him a girl! ;)
i had a dream that I had bought this house in Rushcutter Bay,gotten married in it then had done some extensions on it and then had this massive party with bands playing and .The next day some dumb chick ran her car into one of the posts hold the mass front balcony up and all the extensions on the front fell to pieces. This was last night.
Originally posted by spawn
The Korean looking girl was his brother! No wonder he was so upset, you called him a girl! ;)

How could the Korean girl be his brother you stupid bastard! He answered the door! Fool.
i got pissed with Ralphe when he once come up herre to Brisso..i was drunk enough that when i got up the next morning i wondered if it was a dream :lol:..anyone ever got the pissed?? :D
Haha never got quite that pissed. :lol:

It could have been Coops in drag - the chick had rather light skin. She must have had a shave too. :)
Yes Southy i have gotten that drunk that when i woke up the next day I thought everything I had done was a dream till people started telling me how entertaining I was when extremely drunk....and all this happened at one of my own b'day parties in my own home.