SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor has once again slammed President Donald Trump, calling him a "petty, petulant cunt" who "can't go away fast enough." Taylor has been vocal about his distaste for the billionaire real estate mogul for at least the past two years, telling a Des Moines, Iowa radio in a 2015 interview that he would "emigrate" if Trump became president. Now, in a brand new interview with Rolling Stone, Taylor revealed that roughly one-third of his upcoming book, "America 51", is dedicated to his derision for Trump. "It's really fucking unfortunate how bad we have just fucked ourselves into an embarrassing ... Did you see what he did with the members of the U.N.? Did you see him shove the dude?" Taylor said, referring to the incident last month where Trump appeared to push aside the prime minister of Montenegro to get to the front of a photo op. "I'm like, 'Ugh, you petty, petulant cunt. Would you just fucking get impeached already?' "It is embarrassing that he is the 'leader of the free world,'" he continued. "I will never give him the qualification for that shit. He can't go away fast enough. And I think people are really starting to see that. His approval rating is at 39 percent in a lot of places. Was there a reason you wiped your ass with your fucking vote, you bunch of dickheads? Good for you." Taylor said that he hasn't gotten much flak from fans of his bands over his political views. "I am a socially liberal and yet fiscally conservative guy," he said. "So I can hang with almost everybody. I think if you ask people that, they will absolutely be right on that center line, whether it's the socially liberal or the fiscally conservative. People agree with all of that. But it's only when the politicians themselves start whipping frenzies up and trying to get the base all knocked up on fervor that people stop listening to their inner dialogue, or listening to their common sense, and they immediately lock into that battle. It's such bullshit. If we all were talking to each other instead of listening to that bullshit in the first place, we would be able to take the power away from them and put it back where it belongs." "America 51", which is subtitled "A Probe Into The Realities That Are Hiding Inside 'The Greatest Country In The World'", will be released on August 8 via Da Capo Press. Corey, who is often referred to as the "Great Big Mouth" due to his outspoken views, previously said that he wasn't worried about alienting any of his fans with his comments. "That's part of being an American," he explained. "I mean, nothing drives me more crazy than when somebody says to celebrities or whatever, 'Why don't you just stick to acting?' And I'm, like, 'What? Leave politics to you? Why don't you stick to writing bad reviews in your mom's basement? Just shut your mouth. I'm just as American as you are, I have every right to say what I want, and you can shove that kind of attitude straight up your ass." Taylor published his third book, "You're Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look At The Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left", in July 2015. The book acted as a commentary on society and pop culture in the style of the late George Carlin. Taylor's second book, "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Heaven", was published in the summer of 2013 and landed at No. 23 on the New York Times "Hardcover Non-Fiction" best sellers list.
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