Coroner, listen to them, now!


Melody be Thy Name
Aug 27, 2004
Las Vegas
I've recently decided that my thrash collection sucks nads. After looking around a bit, I've found a few really awesome bands. My newest purchase has been Coroner - Punishment for Decadence and, holy crap, it's been kicking my ass! I normally wouldn't mention it at the SY X forums but the instruments are played so well and is parts so fast that you might enjoy them too.

Anyways, as for this album it makes me wonder how a genre as awesome as thrash fell out of the limelight in favor of crap like Nirvana. I have to compliment the band on being able to write music with as much constant speed as they do and still manage to make it meaningful unlike other bands that do similar things and just muddle it up into something ugly (a good portion of death bands).

My only complaint is that the production quality was typical 80's shite. The good and bad news is that if I play it through my car stereo the production leaps out as awful but if I take inside to my computer, the sound card and piss poor speakers make it sound just as good as anything else out there.
Coroner were pretty damn should get Mental Vortex and No More Color too.
Tommy Baron was one of the better thrash guitarists on the 80's - early 90's...some sweet solos.
You guys should also look at Corrupt. (Used to be Corrupted) They are a badass swedish thrash band.
I grew up with thrash.. I still love throwing in Kreator, old Testament , Overkill , Slayer , Megadeth , Sepultura , Annihilator , Anthrax ... its fun stuff

I remember the video for Masked Jackal (Coroner) .. In fact I think I have it on my cpu somewhere.
I'm just sad that so many thrash bands are ruined by their singer. Kreator... DRI... Nuclear Assault...
Thraxz said:
I'm just sad that so many thrash bands are ruined by their singer. Kreator...


[begin fanboy rant] I can understand that Mille's vocals are difficult to get into, but ruin the music? What about songs like Voices of the dead, or basically anything in the 90's when he actually sang? Still doesn't do it for you? [/fanboy] oh well, everyone has an oppinion. :kickass:
Thraxz said:
I'm just sad that so many thrash bands are ruined by their singer. Kreator... DRI... Nuclear Assault...
I understand what you're saying, and I agree. Most of the time I just tune out the vocals if they're that bad.
good as this thread is, once again i must say: what up with the bias?
Venturia thread got axed, so did some others. The "Evergrey sucks" thread (which imo is not only offtopic but disrespectful) is still not locked, this one is allowed to stay...

consistency on threads about bands other than symphony x?