Not much info. A Coroner reunion will epitomize the reunion dream every metalhead has. No other band I can think of right now will mean more for me reunited as Coroner, especially if they record again in the vein of "Mental Vortex".
Indeed it would! I'm hoping they will be touring Europe. Good bands never tour Europe, I believe. They tour the US and South America but never Europe... :loco:
Hawk said:
Indeed it would! I'm hoping they will be touring Europe. Good bands never tour Europe, I believe. They tour the US and South America but never Europe... :loco:
Actually, I saw Coroner live (together with Watchtower) in Düsseldorf in 1990, and in my book, Coroner counts as a "good band" (a little understatement here) and Düsseldorf belongs to Europe (though people in Cologne might disagree on this). (Ok, I know you were just kidding, Hawk!)
It´s probably just wishful thinking, but it would be great to see Coroner touring Europe and recording a new album!