Corporation 187


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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I know a few of you have heard of them -- I own Perfection in Pain and I highly recommend it for you thrashier types. A fine blend of that familiar Swedish melodic sound and speed, but with a harder edge and more emphasis on THRASH than most bands from that scene. Violated Relation is an absolutely killer track on that CD.

I'd like opinions on another disc, Subliminal Fear, if any of you have it. And, I'm wondering what their name means... Why not 186? or 188?
i'm no cop, but i believe 187 is the code for a murder or homicide...I have both of their cds, and actually like "subliminal fear" just a bit better. hard to explain why because they are quite similar, but if you have "perfection..." you must go get "subliminal..."
I really like this band (way better then carnal forge and not nearly as boring). both albums are good. I tend to like the first one better mostly coz of the vocals (changed vocalist after 1st album). the first album had more of a hardcore/crowbar type vocals which made the band somewhat original. the new guy is your dime a dozen swedish growler. adequate, but the band dont stand out as much now. still lookn fwd to their new album.