Corpse Devourment - Depictions Of Gore released!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Yes motherfuckers, the badass Death Metal band has now released it's first demo entitled "Depictions Of Gore"! Six songs of old-school, idiot simple brutality, with vocals and guitars by yours truly! We recorded it this summer, and after a bunch of bullshit it's now done!

You can download the full demo here: (Under media)


1. Infectious Flesh Vomit
2. Bloated With Pus
3. Severed Limbs Defiled
4. Mutilation Of The Rotting
5. The Stomach Extractor
6. Deceased Infant Slaughter

Preview the tunes here: :headbang:

We would also like to give massive props to our pal Christopher Horst! ( He did our logo design, and was by far the most professional artist I've ever dealt with and did a kickass job. Definintely recommended if you're looking for logo designs/artwork!

Video of the recording sessions: (Mix in the video is a raw initial mix, the final version sounds tons better!)

Listen to it, dig it, and rock the fuck out! :headbang:
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I like it a lot man!! I hear a lot of influences like early Unleashed, Asphyx, Autopsy, Pestilence (Consuming Impulse). I really dig the initial mix on the video, it's more atmospheric and dirtier sounding. Excellent stuff! Will there be hard copies? Would really like to get my hands on a physical copy with artwork, lyrics etc...
Good proper death metal!
Sounds fucking great man, great job! Loving it!

My only complaint would be, Corpse Devourment? really? so you just picked two of the greatest death metal bands ever and put their names together? The name itself is good, but it sounds like you have a thrash band called "Megaslayer"

Just my opinion and you are obviously not changing your name now just because I said that, but I still felt like saying it.

Again, I really like the songs

Edit: the logo is KILLER
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The name was a group decesion, and becuse of that I stand 100% behind it! It was about setling on what felt best for everyone in the band. Thanks like fuck for liking
the music! :headbang:
One more thing, the band name isn't helping you at all in a google search. I desperately tried to google your Ep to find a picture of the Cover (because it wasn't in the file nor in the tags) and only came up with millions of pictures of Cannibal Corpse, devourment and many other bands but never found yours. So I came back here to get to the myspace haha

So, do you even have a cover for that Ep? I don't find it in the myspace, just asking cause I hate having cover-less albums in my Itunes/Iphone
Thanks guys! :kickass: No, unfortunantly it (this demo) does not have a cover as of yet. We weren't really planning on getting one either, as this is meant as pretty much just a chance for people to get to hear what we have been doing so far and getting the songs we have written "out there". We are right now writing/rehersing on our second demo (which is turning out really fucking killer btw) we we are gonna record around february. That album will probably be the first to get a 'proper release' with covers and hard-copies. We might get some sort of cover going though for dealing with those type of issues you guys mentioned, thanks for letting us know!

Once again, glad that you guys liked it! I'll keep you posted on our upcoming stuff for sure! :headbang: