Corpus Mortale – A New Species of Deviant
Neurotic/Willowtip – WT059 – November 6, 2007
By Jason Jordan
A New Species of Deviant, from long-running Denmark-based unit Corpus Mortale, is the band’s third full-length, yet the first to see such widespread distribution as a result of the teaming up of Neurotic and Willowtip. Though not up to par with the latest from the inventive Sickening Horror, this down ‘n dirty death metal group is sturdy but not exceptional, even if ANSoD proves likeable in spite of its flaws.
While certain members of Corpus Mortale spent some time in the now-defunct Iniquity, the former vacillate between a chugging middle-pace like in ‘An Embrace to Wake the Dead,’ ‘Scorched,’ ‘Devoid in Compassion,’ among others, and an intricate up-tempo as in ‘Dehumanized,’ ‘Postmortem Rape,’ ‘Erosion of the Flesh,’ and more. A New Species of Deviant has more than its rationed amount of meaty riffs, stout drums, and chunky growls, but in reaching the tail-end of the album, it all starts to sound too similar for comfort. Songs such as ‘Sustained Depressed Fractures,’ ‘Descent into the Maelstrom’ (see: Edgar Allan Poe), and ‘Shallow Graves’ offer enough to slide by, though.
With the Neurotic/Willowtip marriage paving the way for U.S. versions of Disavowed, Psycroptic, Spawn of Possession, Ulcerate, and Visceral Bleeding – plus Willowtip’s recent outings from Illogicist, Impaled, and Odious Mortem – A New Species of Deviant seems destined to get lost in the shuffle. Nonetheless, Corpus Mortale are a good, if unremarkable, outfit that I can’t envisage listening to all that often in light of the quality of other Willowtip releases in the same vein.
Official Corpus Mortale Website
Official Neurotic Records Website
Official Willowtip Website
Neurotic/Willowtip – WT059 – November 6, 2007
By Jason Jordan

A New Species of Deviant, from long-running Denmark-based unit Corpus Mortale, is the band’s third full-length, yet the first to see such widespread distribution as a result of the teaming up of Neurotic and Willowtip. Though not up to par with the latest from the inventive Sickening Horror, this down ‘n dirty death metal group is sturdy but not exceptional, even if ANSoD proves likeable in spite of its flaws.
While certain members of Corpus Mortale spent some time in the now-defunct Iniquity, the former vacillate between a chugging middle-pace like in ‘An Embrace to Wake the Dead,’ ‘Scorched,’ ‘Devoid in Compassion,’ among others, and an intricate up-tempo as in ‘Dehumanized,’ ‘Postmortem Rape,’ ‘Erosion of the Flesh,’ and more. A New Species of Deviant has more than its rationed amount of meaty riffs, stout drums, and chunky growls, but in reaching the tail-end of the album, it all starts to sound too similar for comfort. Songs such as ‘Sustained Depressed Fractures,’ ‘Descent into the Maelstrom’ (see: Edgar Allan Poe), and ‘Shallow Graves’ offer enough to slide by, though.
With the Neurotic/Willowtip marriage paving the way for U.S. versions of Disavowed, Psycroptic, Spawn of Possession, Ulcerate, and Visceral Bleeding – plus Willowtip’s recent outings from Illogicist, Impaled, and Odious Mortem – A New Species of Deviant seems destined to get lost in the shuffle. Nonetheless, Corpus Mortale are a good, if unremarkable, outfit that I can’t envisage listening to all that often in light of the quality of other Willowtip releases in the same vein.
Official Corpus Mortale Website
Official Neurotic Records Website
Official Willowtip Website