CORRUPTing the Southeast: RL Infoterror Opportunit

Armageddon's Child

New Metal Member
Dec 21, 2001
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A little off the normal beaten path for this forum, but...

On Saturday, Jan 27, long time anti-metal crusader Bob Larson will be hosting an "Extreme Warfare Youth Seminar" at the Marriott Northwest in Atlanta, GA. The topic is "Confronting demonic music, movies and video games." The seminar is free and open to the public, and is scheduled to run from 10 am to noon.

This is, I think, an excellent opportunity to confront the lyin' in its den, and spread a little infoterror in the process. To that end, I would like to see if a small cadre (perhaps 5-7) of CORRUPTed souls would be willing to join me in crashing the seminar, distributing flyers and (probably) cd-r's (perhaps copies of "Dissident" and an extreme metal comp of some sort?).

For those who are interested, pm me or email me at


Bob Larson proudly uses Just For Christians hair care products!

To paraphrase: all that's required for evil to be victorious is that good people do nothing.

I hope you guys do go and call him out. I'm a follower of Christ and I denounce what Bob Larson does. If I had the chance I'd tell him I'd rebuke him to his face as Christ commanded we do. I cannot stand guys who misuse the Word of my God to promote their own agendas, it infuriates me. For those of you who don't know, but might like to help, here's some videos which explain more about his "ministry."
Alas, the short notice prevented anything from getting organized. I did attend, and was able to distribute some infoterror documents, as well as a compilation cd slipped to the kids when their crazy parents weren't looking (not difficult, as the adults were in a status pissing contest to see who could act the weirdest and make the most strange goddamn sounds).

It was...interesting.