Could someone recommend me a cheap drum machine ?


Aug 7, 2002
I want something that is good, but cheap (under 80 bucks). This would just be for like home use. Building speed/jamming and maybe writing riffs and stuff. Used and Ebay is perfectly accepted.
check out zoom stuff. I have a Zoom 123 thats awesome.. I got it for around $60 used a few years ago. The Zoom stuff is really good for drum machines.
What you should do is see if any of the papers in your area have anything for sale.

I am not sure where you are from, but around here, there is a store called Daddy's Junky Music, and they sell used stuff as well as new. As far as recommendations, you really need to know what you want it to do first.
I think that pretty much any drum machine will do that. I would definately see if there are any stores that sell used music equiptment. You should have no problem getting one for under 80 bucks.