Counter-Strike *IS* a real-life Combat Situation Trainer; details within


Not actually Soy
Aug 26, 2006
Gamer plays real-life CounterStrike; takes bullet on defense


another forum i post on said:
Seeing how the mainstream press reacts when someone who might have played Counter-Strike pulls a gun on somebody, how would they react when one takes a bullet trying to stop a crime?

This past Sunday twenty-four year old Adam Mapleson rushed to the aid of a female security guard outside a railway station in Essex England, who was being robbed at gunpoint by two mask-wearing thugs, taking a bullet to the chest in the process. Now in stable condition at a local hospital, police are calling the young man a hero.

Combine his passion for black metal music with the gaming favorites (Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, GTA) found on his MySpace (courtesy of GamePolitics) and you've got a school shooting waiting to happen according to some people I could mention, and here he is trying to save the day.

Of course one could argue that playing computer games might have dulled that little voice in his head that would normally tell him to sit his happy ass down and not rush men with guns while unarmed, but taking a page from anti-gaming press coverage of the past I'll ignore that possibility and simply add, "Go team!"

counter-terrorists win!