Counting Crows


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Well, the new album is out (I think!), and hopefully getting it tomorrow (providing it's out, natch;)). Will it be good? Surely! Will I love it? Of course!

Counting Crows are the bees knees! They seem to be able to weave emotion out of thin air. Particularly with 'Satellites...', their second album. Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff.

I have never really heard much from these guys. I've heard their name thrown around a lot, but I have never taken the time to check them out. I'll be sure to try to listen to some songs. :)
I remember when I was younger I used to love "Mr.Jones" when it would come on. I'm not much a fan of theirs anymore, but thier not like some of the trite crap that is out today, so they have my respect.