Countryman Type85 w.Fast Track USB

First Fast Track generation has too low maximum input - +3.2 dBV (1.45 Vp), not enough for EMGs, almost two times lower (according to EMGs have around 4.5 Vpp or 2.25 Vp, or more).
For example, second generation (MKII) has +12 dBV (3.98 Vp).
You should consider changing interface or buying DI-box.
But FT USB does not have phantom power (like second generation), usually DI-box have larger input level when operating with phantom power, sometimes this is mentioned in specifications.
So what your saying is, you would recommend for me to buy the M-Audio Fast Track USB(MKII) and the Countryman Type85 DI Box?
Nope, your interface doesn't have enough headroom to handle EMGs through a DI box properly. You'll need to replace it with one that does before you buy a countryman.
Is there a nice audio interface you guys would recommend? but my budget is 150$ or anything close to it. I'm going to college rightnow so money is kind of tight atm.