Couple of questions about the Saffire pro 40


Apr 20, 2005
Still waiting for the delivery but in the meantime I decided to read the owner's manual and there's a couple of things that aren't 100% clear (esp in my native language).

It says that you can control the digital output level only from the DAW... So would that exclude both the software mixer and the physical volume control?
That would suck immensely since I'm using digital monitors.

With my 2626's I can control it only through the software mixer and that quite annoying already.

Also, I assume it should be possible to use the spdif out while using the internal clock of the saffire. Am I right?

I know a few older interfaces didn't have that capability so I need to be totally sure it won't be the case here.
There's a physical master volume knob that's linked to the driver output knob.

That doesn't really answer my question. There's no question that both the volume knob and the driver can control the volume coming out of the analog outputs depending on how it is set up in the software mixer but my monitors will be connected to the spdif out and the manual seem to indicate that only the daw software can control its level.
My monitors are digital, connected through the SPDIF on my Pro 40. You have to control the output volume with MixControl. It doesn't mess with the internal clock source. I wish you could map the monitor level knob to the SPDIF out, but I've not found a solution to this, if it can even be done at all.