Court Jails 'Satanist' Heavy Metal Fans

That is patheticly stupid.

"Normal people go to concerts in a suit and tie," rather than in a black T-shirt with heavy-metal symbols which was shown to the court.

NO THEY DON'T! That is fucked up...
Parents, friends and college supervisors of those sentenced had argued that the case arose from a misunderstanding of the heavy metal sub-culture and should never have come to court.
Kudos to these people, but the pessimist in me wonders if they'd be as "wise" if it weren't someone they knew.
This is so sad. Once again, it's this sort of thing that makes me appreciate the religious freedom America (and most home countries of people on this board) has. this country is far from perfect...but reading stories like this makes me realize some things that I take for granted.
there's a thread about this on the GMD I think
and there's a petition to sign for metallers worldwide
manuelgv said:
there's a thread about this on the GMD I think
and there's a petition to sign for metallers worldwide
it shouldn't be a petition for 'metallers' to sign, it should be a petition for people to sign. people who listen to metal aren't members of a different species. i don't see why other people shouldn't feel as irked by this as metal fans are, since this is a human rights issue. this is as stupid as jailing people for smoking marajuana. oh wait, that happens too. what a sad species we are.
O'blivion said:
it shouldn't be a petition for 'metallers' to sign, it should be a petition for people to sign. people who listen to metal aren't members of a different species. i don't see why other people shouldn't feel as irked by this as metal fans are, since this is a human rights issue. this is as stupid as jailing people for smoking marajuana. oh wait, that happens too. what a sad species we are.
Women aren't a 'different species'. Neither are blacks, or gays.
well it's not like it says: name your favorite metal band
and if you say Korn they are convicted
there's a petition but it would be cool if lots of metallers join in