Cover art for new album


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Theocracy boys,

PLEASE use Mattias Noren for the cover art again! Whatever he costs, it's worth it. I've been working on building a fan base for you here in Minneapolis/St. Paul by giving out your CDs as a gift to Christian music fans, as well as mainstream metal fans. Just about every person I hand the CD to says "Well, I already love the cover, so that's a good start". I even had a total stranger come up to me at a metal show when I was wearing the shirt and say "Wow! What band is that? That picture is AWESOME!"

I think his work is very good and a great way to distinguish the band. Lord knows I've listened to some great bands with crappy cover art and that's a knock against them and may prevent people from even giving it a listen.
Matius is a great artist.....but some great bands didn't get their money's worth by having him do less than brilliant work.....
Lost Horizon for example.....awesome metal band....vocals are killer.....but their album covers are very self promoting...Matius did the 2nd album cover...A Flame to the Ground Beneath....and it's pretty ho hum for what he's been known to do....good none the less....but not captivating eye candy.
it's like they said.."do what you want as long as we (the whole band) can be clearly seen on the cover". Well 6 members clearly seen takes up the whole thing.....just not very imaginitive IMHO
I just had another case of this happening. I was wearing my Theocracy shirt to a recent metal show (all local bands). I had given the Theocracy CD to a local promoter/band manager/club booker earlier in the night. Later, he was sitting at the bar talking to a guy about cover art. He called me over to show the guy my shirt, because they were talking about examples of great cover art (and Theocracy was his example, of course!) and also of bands that never get heard because their cover art is so bad.

And the realm of Theocracy grows!
crimson, I have only been there once, to see Kutless/KJ-52. I definitely want to get back there some more and plan to this fall (Disciple in Aug, Stryper in Oct, and Kutless/Disciple/KJ-52 in Nov).

You know, I actually did check out your songs on the web back when I started getting into Christian music a year or so ago. My problem is that I'm not a fan of the death metal vocals. But, I'd still come and see you guys live just for the experience. Unfortunately, I already have tickets to Def Leppard/Bryan Adams on July 29.

It's interesting that you're playing there. I say that because a friend of mine despises the place because The New Union (their previous incarnation) threw Saviour Machine out after two songs due to their appearance. If they're going to make that kind of judgment based on looks, then I'd sort of expect them to make a similar judgment based on death metal vocals.

BTW, I saw a Crimson Thorn shirt in the crowd when I was watching Beatallica at Summerfest last weekend.
crimson, though I can't really get into the vocals of your current band, I did find one connection to something that I do like. Sometime last year I downloaded some Axehead Inc mp3s. I see now that a few guys in CT were in Axehead (not sure if you're of them). Anyway, I really like their song I'll Leave You Lyin'. Just awesome!