Cover Artwork for Tanist


One Day Left
Nov 27, 2001
This is a test I have made for my band Tanist. How do u think?



Official Site of the band
That's pretty damn good. But if you are looking for some constructive critism, I'll give ya some..

The album title could blend in a bit more. The white seems kind of stark. And the top right hand corner, the light grey picture kinda doesn't fit in. The straight edges are sharp, and it seems like it's sitting on top oif the image.. I feel like I want to peeel it off and look what's underneath it..

Perhaps you could blend it in with the rest of the image a bit more.

But nonetheless, that's better than anything I can do, and it looks, as Autmumn Falls said, Bad Ass.
Yea I did mean in a good way... and I agree with Kush's criticisms... one thing I would advise trying new things on just to see how it looks is messing around with the album titles font and placement maybe.

BTW Kush nice sig!..

Ah yeah... I love the hollowness in the eyes on the right side image. The left side is just freaky. (in a good way) The names hard to read, but hey... isn't that some sort of qualification for metal bands? :D