Coverart for 2nd Dead Soul Tribe album


student of the d'eh

no tracklisting yet.

street date (in Europe at least) is July 28

yes, that IS the bird missing from the SYL album cover
I loved the first album, both the music and the cover and the new cover looks promising. I just wonder if this dark pic means that the music turned darker too..?

ps: i like the title of the album as well :)
I`m just back from the Dead Soul Tribe show, and it was beautiful. It was kind of a `real` experience to hear them live, again. They played 2-3 new songs and those were fine as well. I took appr. a 100 pic :)
The guys from the band were friendly and we had a little `party` after the show with the drummer and his wife.
it was a great show and a though only 130ppl came to see them.. all of us enjoyed it.
I`m off to bed now.. :zzz: