Covers revisited : MANCUZ n WAZ "CREDENCE"...!!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
Some of the newer members might have missed it........this was done a while back....with me on Vox....and Mancuz on Drums./bass,gutiars.......I think he did an aewsome yeah duders...check it out...adn leave us feedback.....hope u enjoy...Keep rockin......!!!!!.....PEAC EOUT

Well........Gee guys...thaxn alot for leaving feedback concerning teh COVER......!!!!!..yes I am being scarcastic.....hahaha.............Keep listenin and rockin........PEAC EOUT
dorian gray said:
i love you waz416c

as in u love the cover.....awesome.........glad u liekd it.......if thats what u meant....hahah.........Keep lsitenin adn rockin.....PEAC EOUT
thanx jeanro and Jaadce.........really glad u liekd the cover.....yeah we've done some more covers of Owpth too...shoudl be on my acidplanet...adn yeah I think this is the best one too.....sjut feesl right u know.......again tahxn for listenin everyone...Keep listneian dn rockin.....!!!!.....PEAC EOUT