CPF review in newest Metal Maniacs

do people still read music magazines? With the internet, the zines are usually months behind with news. Most of the interviews are just quick press interviews. I used to read a few years back when taking the train to work and each month every magazine had the same bands and almost the same interviews. I liked to read the reviews but now with MySpace and other pages where you can listen to samples, why trust a review when you can listen to it online. It isnt like the old days in the 80's where you had to get magazines to hear the latest news and reviews.
Who's on the cover? I just stopped at Barnes & Noble & the issue they had (August 07) did not have the Powerfest article in it. Can't remember the main band on the cover, but Immolation was on there.

I'm guessing the issue with the Pfest article is just being rolled out to stores now.
Who's on the cover? I just stopped at Barnes & Noble & the issue they had (August 07) did not have the Powerfest article in it. Can't remember the main band on the cover, but Immolation was on there.

I'm guessing the issue with the Pfest article is just being rolled out to stores now.

It's just now going out...I'm guessing Barnes & Noble should be getting it soon.