Crabby (crabbiest Patty yet!) Patty Sat/TODAY at Swap Meet!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Oye, talk about a last minute pimp job - doh - Bad Linda........

Come one come all to the Santa Fe Springs Swap Meet TODAY/SATURDAY, July 31st for 3 sets of rock n metalish schtuff!! You know the deal:

Noon, 1:30 and 3:00pm
$1.00 and ALL AGES welcome!

The humble and most gracious Wences will be filling in for the lovely East Coast bound Courtney today so come make him feel at home!! ;)

Yes, better to leave the "pimping" to Maleni... :lol:

Had a great time--thanks to all who came out. We missed our Cookie Monster Court for sure, but Wences did an excellent job of learning three sets of material in a relatively short amount of time and pulled it off brilliantly. :rock: (Although the fishnet stockings didn't quite look the same on him...)

And thanks, too, to Jeff from Electric Funeral, Mike and Shannon from Full House (and Dia), and Eileen from Dia for sitting in on a few tunes. Those kids rocked it!

Crabby Patty = good times! :kickass:
thanks wences! While you were on stage i was celebrating just the same in wildwood nj walking the board walk and smelling the WAFFLES AND ICECREAM .... YUM hahaha and then i had a few beers. haha i home.:muahaha:
Ahhhh the board walk!!! The Atlantic Ocean crashing on the beaches, the waffle cone ice creams AND you cannot forget SALTWATER TAFFY!!! Yum!!! I hope all went well and we will see you back on the west coast for more Maidens goodness soon. I may have pulled off filling in on bass for Crabby Patty but there's no way I can attempt to shred like you AND dodge beer bottles from disappointed Maidens fans. Plus the spangly bra keeps falling down =}]~

Kirsten...You know right =*~ Your voice still sends shivers up and down my spine!!!

Linda, my Seestah, as well as one of THE finest drummers this side of the eastern shoreline!!!

Thank You!!!
no disappointed fans here .. just had a small exchange of words with an ignorant child in the women's bathroom over my spangly in azusa haha... lol she was drinking cheap beer anyway! Didnt even save me any! She must have been there for club night haha:tickled:
I forgot about that. I was referring to disappointed fans if I had to fill in as Adrian... thankfully that won't happen =}]~