so i just walked upstairs and Attack Attack is on Fox news for whatever reason, and they referred to them as "crabcore"
i lmaool'd @ that
way to go guys!
i lmaool'd @ that
way to go guys!
Metallica - Or should I say Crabtallica. Crabtallica in history live shows the bassist has been experimenting Crabcore aka Proto-Crabcore on stage to impress metalheads in a desperate attempt to prove that they are still rad.
I think I missed the boat. Wtf is crabcore, and who is Attack Attack. I do not feel like googling atm tbh.
From KeithReyn's link above.Crabcore(More like Crapcore amirite) is a new age genre of post-hardcore music that is now in the mainstream thanks to Attack Attack!, it entails playing shitty music by playing over 9000 breakdowns, screaming shit like a whiny pussy, wailing your guitar up and down like a kid on assburgers attempting to air guitar and crouching like a crab at the same time. The genre was pushed into the mainstream when the band decided their old version music video of "Stick Stickly" was not br00t4l enough to appeal to the metalhead fans which apparently the band thought they had many of them. The band decided it was time to throw away the conventional elements in many post-hardcore bands and decided to add auto-tune vocals, and crab crouching to the br00t4l breakdowns. After weeks of releasing the video on jewtube and the subtle jewtube comments of people saying they looked like crabs came a shitstorm of trolls and jewtube viewers realizing that the band just came up with the greatest genre known to man.
I think I missed the boat. Wtf is crabcore, and who is Attack Attack. I do not feel like googling atm tbh.
the term originated on 4chan aparrently