crackling/glitching problem with cubase


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
Hey guys, i am having a serious problem. For some reason Cubase just started going freaking crazy and it just crackles randomly on all playback (through headphones, and monitors) and i just have no idea what is up. i adjusted sample rates and it changed nothing. Id happened on an earlier project and i just started a new one and it started happening when the bass started to get added in. Adding plugins makes the crackling worse, and bypassing them doesnt do much. Does anyone know of what could help?
this happened to mea while ago. lagging and skipping on playback?

make sure your audio driver is set to the correct one, mine had gone back to some crappy asio one.

check what programs you have running aswell, anything thats memory intensive or cpu intensive will effect playback. (even programs running in the background)

just suggestions, hope one helps.
make sure your audio driver is set to the correct one, mine had gone back to some crappy asio one.

Yeah i checked the Devices and it says "ASIO Presonus Firestudio Tube". I am so stumped, i have no idea what it could be. My computer has an i7 and 8 gb of ram it should EASILY handle 4 tracks. Im even recording to a different drive so it doesn't get hung up by my OS. It's like it doesn't happen right away and then it slowly starts to. But it's always random, it never does it at the same time or place.