Cradle of Filth's new CD

Well either way, it's not that important that you need to post the question 5 times! :p

I have no idea, check

I won't be buying it unless the overwhelming concensus is that it will be better than that Bitter Suites to Succubi piece of shit, what a boring CD. I like all their other stuff though.

No seriously, the info/press i've read for the new album makes it sound like it'll be quite interesting. apparently, it's the most diverse, yet heaviest album they've done. they've also done a poppy cover (cliff richard or elton john i think) that is 'so tongue in cheek it's more Cradle than anything!' says Dani. *cough*bollocks*cough* They've also got orchestra and choirs and shit like that. very Dimmu.

anyway, sounds interesting, i think it's likely to be quite good.