Craft - Fuck The Universe
Southern Lord - SUL 54 - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse
When Greg Anderson (owner of the Southern Lord label, and near ubiquitous in doom/drone circles) says in the press release of Swedish black metallers Craft's new album "I Greg Anderson will go on record to say that this is the best and most important Black Metal albums Ive [sic] heard since Mayhems'[sic] "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas"!", you can't help but have your expectations raised. And perhaps the crushing disappointment that Fuck the Universe turns out to be upon listening to it wouldn't have been all that acute without the recommendation, but either way, Craft's final effort is still poor.
The production is cleaner than their last two efforts, moving them into some deserted hinterland between raw/necro savagery and powerful/crisp production. The drums are quiet and lack punch, the guitars a touch muddy and toothless, the overall atmosphere somewhat lacking. And none of this is helped by generally uninspiring songwriting on the band's part. Having always been dogged by comparisons to Darkthrone, you'd have thought that Craft would try to develop their sound away from such pigeonholing. But nope, they've stuck to mid-to-slow paced tempos and sub-Khold riffage all the way. Maybe the knowledge that this was going to be their last record before they split up meant that they couldn't really be bothered with it?
The best moments come when the band slow all the way down or speed right up - the effective contrast between 'Thorn In The Planet's Side''s doom-tempo'd closing minutes and 'Fuck The Universe''s speedier, more involved riffage marking the album's main high point. Sadly, it often seems as though even Craft get bored with their compositions, as songs meander their way through riff after equally throwaway riff. So, definitely not an essential record by any means, and not exactly a fitting epitaph for the formerly-promising Craft's career as a whole.
Official Southern Lord Records Website
Southern Lord - SUL 54 - 2006
By Philip Whitehouse
When Greg Anderson (owner of the Southern Lord label, and near ubiquitous in doom/drone circles) says in the press release of Swedish black metallers Craft's new album "I Greg Anderson will go on record to say that this is the best and most important Black Metal albums Ive [sic] heard since Mayhems'[sic] "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas"!", you can't help but have your expectations raised. And perhaps the crushing disappointment that Fuck the Universe turns out to be upon listening to it wouldn't have been all that acute without the recommendation, but either way, Craft's final effort is still poor.
The production is cleaner than their last two efforts, moving them into some deserted hinterland between raw/necro savagery and powerful/crisp production. The drums are quiet and lack punch, the guitars a touch muddy and toothless, the overall atmosphere somewhat lacking. And none of this is helped by generally uninspiring songwriting on the band's part. Having always been dogged by comparisons to Darkthrone, you'd have thought that Craft would try to develop their sound away from such pigeonholing. But nope, they've stuck to mid-to-slow paced tempos and sub-Khold riffage all the way. Maybe the knowledge that this was going to be their last record before they split up meant that they couldn't really be bothered with it?
The best moments come when the band slow all the way down or speed right up - the effective contrast between 'Thorn In The Planet's Side''s doom-tempo'd closing minutes and 'Fuck The Universe''s speedier, more involved riffage marking the album's main high point. Sadly, it often seems as though even Craft get bored with their compositions, as songs meander their way through riff after equally throwaway riff. So, definitely not an essential record by any means, and not exactly a fitting epitaph for the formerly-promising Craft's career as a whole.
Official Southern Lord Records Website