Creating space in a mix?


May 5, 2009
West Palm Beach, FL
I've gotten this to sound as good as I can, but when I reference it against professional mixes, it sounds kinda muddy and cluttered. Hopefully someone can give me some tips on how to get everything to sound like it has it's own space instead of everything just being on top of each other.

The guitars are an ESP with EMG 81 for rhythm parts, 85 for the solo. They're quadtracked through a 5150 with 5150 cab, mic'd with a 57. Bass is DI, drums are programmed ( I know, it sounds pretty obvious) with EZ Drummer with the DFH expansion. Vocals were tracked elsewhere, and I don't remember the mic used. Any and all tips and feedback will be appreciated.
panning and eq man. Unfortauntely that answer sucks but it's true. :lol: That's half the battle. Gettings the tones you want is the first part. Making everything fit is the last. You can pan to get things out of the way, and you can carve your eq to give everything places to shine. I wish it were easier.
Thanks for the reply. I do understand that it's done with EQ and panning, I was hoping to get some more specific tips relating to the mix I posted. Is there anything in particular that really stands out as needing work?