Crit/Tips on my mix please? (Death Metal)


I think it's fine apart from the OHs could do with being louder. What did you use for GTRs? Amp sims? Only, the guitars don't crunch/chug when you palm mute them but I would suggest that's to do with playing style but I could be totally wrong.

Might there be any lead, solo, or vocals for this? The guitars are taking up such a large part of the audio that you might find it hard to fit them in against that wall of sound... as good as it is though.

Good work and i have followed you on SC now

Guitars were amp sims. Poulin Le456 -> s-preshigh impulse. I've thrown a TSE 808 before the Poulin in the new mix (which I'll attach in a sec) to brighten up the guitars a bit.

Yeah, the lack of chug is just how I played it when recording, just hooked up to the same rig now and it sounds fine.

There are supposed to be vocals, which is scary cause the guitars are taking up heaps and I wouldn't know where to start if vocals get thrown into the mix.