Critique my mix? Positive/Negative feedback?

Wow! tiny text!

the guitars are wayyy too harsh.. add more mids and low pass somewhere between 9-13k
i'd change the kick. too clicky imo.
the vocals are ok.. but don't sound too glued..
what do you mean by glued? Like they belong to the mix? Kinda like they are in their own separate world?
uhm... whats your recording chain?
the guitars still sound very harsh..
i'd change the kick sample also.
i can barely hear a bass? and the tone is not growly enough for this kinda music imo..

about the vocal gluing.. its a mixture of getting the frequency balance right and then the right compression, reverb and levels.. i haven't worked too much with vocals yet to give you specific tips yet..
Recording chain goes something along these lines -
Direct in to firepod.
And I have it going directly into Amplitube (amp mod)
Then below that on my strip is the EQ.
Following that I usually bus it out.
On the Bus:

And that's that... I may be jacking things up all together. Not sure! Please tell me where I am going wrong!
read up about impulses.. they are cabinet simulations but much better than the ones that come with amplitube imo.
It'll really improve the sound.

What amp model are you using? i'd suggest trying one of lepaul's or onqel's free ampsims as they are insanely good.

if the compression,limiting,excessive is on the guitar bus.. you need to reanalyze the source tone. i've heard amazing guitar tones on this forum with just an ampsim, an impulse response and a simple eq (just hipass and lowpass).

also, what are you using for drums?
Alright! I'm going to do my research!

And as far as drums go - All the drums you hear are the ones as recorded. No samples or anything.
I cant hear the drums at all realy, i can hear a bit of kick which sounds a bit clicky, the snare is completley lost. It all sounds harsh.

mayby you are mixing on bass heavy speakers? which is in turn is making youre final mix sound weak and trebley in normal speakers.

could i suggest using drumagog or somthing simillar to trigger the kicks and maybe the snare and try dowloading some new mastering plugins from torrent
for an alternitive mix.

i know thats not the most technical proffesional advice but hope it helps