Crosswind - Ultra melodic melodic speed

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
I'd never even heard of these guys until about two minutes ago. Judging by myspace the band seems really cool. They play ultra fast and extremely melodic shred metal. Something like Dragonforce but also a bit different. They don't quite have as addictive a chorus as the Dragons but their music is ace. The vocals are sometimes a bit out of control but he's actually got a nice tone when singing in normal registers. Cool band.
I am always behind on listening to stuff I get in from these labels. Oddly enough today I just got around to the last batch of Stormspell titles and as I was spinning Crosswind I happened to notice this thread.
I don't think it is bad at all. Nothing majorly impressive but worth a second spin. The Riot and Queensryche comparison works perfectly on this one.
Crosswind are an awesome band - very real, very true!! not trying to do anything new, but doing it with quality!!
I too couldnt believe the drums were real......but they ARE!! yes, the drummer really does play exactly that! how do I know? because I know the band!!
cant wait to see them OWN the main stage at this yrs Magic Circle Festival in Slovenia:D
btw - be sure to listen to their cover of A Light In The Black on the recently released cd Magic - A Tribute To Dio. it really is epic and Im sure RJD would be proud!
I have the same issue with some bands myspace pages. I would love to know what is causing it.

I had the same problem with my page, turns out someone posted a video of their "band" in the comments section to autoplay once the page was was accessed, very annoying! Just have to delete the comment...
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all your support and interest in CROSSWIND; it is because of that I wanted you to be the FIRST to know that official Tshirts are NOW AVAILABLE! top quailty Fruit of the loom shirts, with either the OPPOSING FORCES artwork, BEYOND artwork or BAND LOGO to choose from. AWESOME deal at €15 p/shirt + postage (€6)
Payment thru paypal. email me for purchase.

please continue to support the underground metal scene & buy a tee - I know you'll love it!!