

Jul 1, 2003
Concord, CA
does anyone like these guys?

i just got their album on a trade. they're a weird band. they're metal but with random samples and other shit mixed in.

they're probably one of the funniest metal bands i've heard.

if you find them in the budget bin, buy it.
Crotchduster's "Big Fat Box Of Shit" is nothing short of a masterpiece. In only one album, they've successfully smuggled themselves into my top 10 fav bands of all time.

Shit...I say, if you find this album anywhere, for any it up, quick! That is, unless it is more than Thirty bucks...then...just download it.
like said above, with only one album theyve managed to be one of my favorite bands of all time...Sadly,I don't think there will be a 2nd album any time soon either, Jason(dude who wrote pretty much the whole thing) is too busy producing bands and doin other shite.