Crowbar - Symmetry in Black

Just got this the other day.
Great album.

Heavy as hell but seems to have a lot more melody than earlier works of theirs, though I can't say I have honestly heard all their albums.
The album is AWESOME! And the funny thing is I hate all other doom sludge bands from that scene. Crowbar is the only band I like that plays sludge metal. Every other band I've hated with a passion. Mind you I hated Crowbar first time I heard them as well. However there's something hypnotic and tremendously punishing about a killer Crowbar riff. As for more melody, well to be fair to them their last few albums have all been quite melodic so it's not just this one. I think if anything the melody has been toned down a touch and the heaviness increased if such a thing is possible with Crowbar lol!
You guys hear the new Down EP as well? Not bad!

Crowbar is always great. Some of his riffs border on death metal at times. Super heavy.