Crown the Lost - Bound to Wrath

Grave Desire

Mar 10, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
This is a band I recorded about a couple of months ago. Little info...recorded in 2 days and mixed in about 1 day. This was just a quick demo to preview the full length they are making right now.

I wish I could have gotten the toms better..but the drummer on the recording went around the toms so light it made it really hard to replace with the amount of time that I had to mix.

Let me know what you guys think.


p.s. mp3 quality isn't that great but it should give a deccent representation. Bound To WrathMP3.mp3
That vocalist is great. I've always wondered what Maiden would sound like with a little growling tossed in.

Back on topic, I think it sounds great. But there is something in that snare, almost too hollow. Not enough "smack" for me, but others may differ. All in all, I like it.
Thanks guys, I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out given the time I had to do it.

The guitars are actually a JCM2000 DSL100, which I think sound like ass, but we ran it on the clean channel with a Sans Amp in Front. One of the main reasons the guitars came out like they did is the guitar player Joe...He picks like a beast and he can really make anything sound good. Solo was done in two passes...really tight guitar player. He was offered to join Byzatine but turned it down to keep this project going.

They play in standard E so I had a hard time getting the really big low end that you can get with down tuning. But the amp set up he has has a really agressive mid range which I dug so we rolled with it. I believe I did very little EQ to the guitars at all...actually added 80-100 to bring out the cab more.

As far as the snare....I think it might have been a combination of taking out too much mids and maybe making the attack on the compressor too fast.

Thanks again for the replies.


p.s. if you want to hear more of them