Crownies... what happened?

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
I was give a carton of crownies today as a thank you for a job I did for someone. All excited, I raced home, put some in the fridge and settled in to watch the first session of the test. But to my surprise and horror something happened.....

It tasted like VB! Whats with that? I know the quality of crownies has been slowly heading south, but this is a new low.

Think this might be the last time I partake in a few "king browns" for a while
sometimes I forget about where it comes from and buy one when out at dinner and then I kick myself in head whilst dining.
I remember at the maiden concert in sydney I was drinking James Squire Amber Ale....

Always a good pub when you find it on tap!
Wayyy too late here.

Crown has always tasted like insipid dish water.

Never knew what people saw in the stuff.
Farking busy...

Had the shutdown from hell just before the end of financial year, that went for nearly 10 weeks. End of financial year. Start of new budget. Promotion...Preparation for another 9 week outage starting in 4 weeks.

It's been Hyoooge

How's all your way ?