Crowstorm - My solo project


Big Paws
Dec 1, 2008
Wowter Heaven
Inspired by amon amarth and opeth mostly.

So far i recorded 2 tracks, one is very early demo stage (Original Fear)

Second one is better quality demo stage intro for the album Summoning

Please, tell me what ya think

Oh, and i got a full cover of Ensiferum Old Man

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I think this could be good and something I would enjoy but you hang on to every riff for far to long which makes the music very monotone....shorter songs or more riffs and I will approve! :)
Thanks for your opinion, i did long monotone riffs in Summoning on purpose, cos it was meant to be some kind of "ritual", if you know what i mean.

But i thought that in the Original Fear riffs lenght were okay, thanks for pointing they werent :D
Well I listened to all the songs and to be honest I didn't enjoy it. The vocals were pretty good but the music itself was pretty bland overall. It does feel kind of monotone, it lacks energy but part of that is the production. Also the vocals on Old Man were too high in the mix. I am not trying to come off as a complete asshole I just wanted to be objective. I can see this is a very early start so I am still interested to hear any future developments. :)

And again the vocals on Original Fear were solid
Thank you, honestly, so far everyone said "Its fine, its cool, keep up the good work". Now i know what to change in my riffs, hopefuly i can do better now, thanks guys :D
its cool for what it is for sure. doesnt feel really original though, like the first riff is cool but like others said it then goes on and on and on
You wanted shorter songs, here it is:

Edited Original Fear to 3 minutes (contest rule), changed lyrics to fit the contest

Playing the guitar with chainmail on sux, lol
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nothing is more true than making metal with a viking helmet in your mum's house