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Crudest show on television
A CONTROVERSIAL documentary series will set new records for the amount of offensive language on Australian television when it starts next week.

Channel 10 viewers will be confronted with the "f" word 22 times in the first 10 minutes of The Osbournes, a fly-on-the-wall series about rock star Ozzy Osbourne and his family.
The 22-minute first episode includes a total of 65 expletives, most of which are uttered by the former Black Sabbath frontman, his wife Sharon and their teenage children Kelly and Jack.

While Channel 10 said it would give ample warning to viewers, the program's producers said they were astounded the show was being broadcast uncut on free-to-air television.

While the network will "bleep" out some language later during the first episode, scheduled to be shown at 9pm on July 1, subsequent shows will be shown unedited in a regular Monday 9.30pm timeslot.

MTV produced the 10-part series, filming the Osbournes in their Beverly Hills home and on the road for five months. It has become the highest-rating cable show in the US.

MTV Australia manager Helen Ryan said she was astounded Channel 10 was broadcasting the "extreme" language.

"It's pretty controversial, because every third or fourth word is f***," Ms Ryan said.

"We broadcast it at 7pm, a family viewing time, but even if I put it on at 9.30pm or 10.30pm, I wouldn't put it to air uncensored.

"I didn't want that to be what MTV is known for."

Channel 10's senior program classification manager, Sally Stockbridge, said the first episode – rated M, recommending viewing for those 15 years and older _ was partly censored.

The Osbournes will have an MA classification when it airs at 9.30pm after the first week, which restricts viewing to only those 15 years and older.
The US isn't like that about the show.If anything,the excessive amount of profanity only draws in more viewers...though it does get lots of critisicm from conservatives and the like.
And I just realized something-The purpose for the show The Osbournes-MTV decided to do a show centering around the life of "The Heavy Metal Madman",thinking that it would attract a whole new crowd of viewers-the metalheads,people who they had become ever so good at alienating.Like dutiful Ozzy fans,many of the metalheads tuned in,along with the majority of the country's population,to see our beloved Ozzy Osbourne.And,while the first episode didn't due much harm to us(nobody really knew what to make of them except that they used "the f-word" A LOT),the rest of the series was a total disgrace.MTV didn't succed in pulling in a whole new crowd of viewers;it only pushed us further away.
-->you thought it was funny,.......

How old are u chickie babe...??? enitharmon
oh course it was funny! ozzy is a fucking idiot, and his foolish antics were hillarious. TL is just a crabby old man that rambles on about nothing in particular. take the show for what it is: ozzy acting stupid.