Cry of the Black Birds vs Prowler


New Metal Member
Jun 12, 2008
Hey everyone,

I just listened to Prowler by Iron Maiden for the first time and I must say that it sounds similar in many ways to Cry of the Black Birds. I don't have a good musical ear, but some resemblances are uncanny... Just wanted to ask everyones thoughts? Am I hallucinating? :loco:

By the way, Cry of the Black Birds and Victorious March are my two favourite Amon Amarth songs.
Hello. I didn't mean to say that they're rip offs, I guess it could be taken that way, I just wanted to see if other people heard the similarities. I love both bands and songs.
I guess she means the riff sounds influenced by that song. I reckon that the riff in Zimmer's Hole - Hair Doesnt Grow On Steel is influenced or sonds similar to the solo in Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls, which sucks coz i dislike Metallica, but Zimmers hole turned it into something way better! Suck on that shit Kirt!

And Even the chorus in "We Rule the fucking land" on the same album reminds me of Creeping Death.

Hail Megadeth.
Having listened to both, I must say there is some sort of similarity in the opening and in the tune at first, though it would not constitute plagiarism by any stretch.
Cry of the Black Birds bears a slight resemblance to Prowler. However, things like these happen all the time in music. There are only so many chord progressions available for a melodic death metal band like Amon Amarth and chances are, sometimes you're gonna come up with a riff or a melody that has a couple of notes in common with another melody.