Cryogen EP 'Psalms of Deceit'


New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2007
Hey guys.

I've been reading the Sneap forums for years now but haven't posted in here yet. Anyway, my band Cryogen just released our new EP, which you can download for free or listen to samples here:

I recorded the whole thing at my studio and then we got it mastered by Alan Douches. If you've never heard of him he's mastered albums for lots of well known bands (Nile, Shadows Fall, Hate Eternal, God Forbid).

The guitar tracks we're recorded using a 6505 and quadruple tracked. Mics were a 57 and a 421 on a Madison cab with V30's.

Drums were done in my shitty makeshift live room in my basement. Kick is mostly triggered, 57 on the snare blended with a sample. Toms are all organic. Sennheiser e604's on the rack toms, and the floor was miced with an AT ATM25 (love that mic). OH's were Neumann KM184's.

Bass was recorded through an Ampeg SVT-4PRO w/ 8x10 cab. Mics were an ATM25 and a D112.

Vocals were recorded through an SM7-B.

Lots of my recording techniques I picked up from these forums, so I'm interested to hear what you guys think of the mixes. ..and while you're at it download the EP if you want to and let me know what you think of the music as well. Positive or not, i'm always interested to hear what people think.
