Cryonic Temple - Blood, Guts & Glory

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Cryonic Temple - Blood, Guts & Glory
Limb Music Products - LMP 0310-063 - 2003
By Philip Whitehouse


Swedish power metal band Cryonic Temple offer absolutely nothing new on this album, but what they do offer is traditional European power metal played and written just on the right side of the silly/sublime divide, with an appreciation and devotion for the genre that shows through in their songwriting. Breakneck double-bass rhythms abound throughout, the vocalist has a touch of Dickinson about his delivery, the guitar solos mess around nicely with classical modes, and I defy anyone not to chant along with the first proper track's chorus, 'we are the mercenaries of me-tal!'.

Originality, dynamics and innovation probably wouldn't appear on Cryonic Temple's priority list, were they to stop combing their hair and quaffing mead long enough to compose one, but Blood, Guts & Glory shows that power metal doesn't really need to be innovative when played with a suitable level of conviction and enthusiasm. Things never really slide into the Manowar area of ridiculous extravagance, so it's quite possible to get into the spirit of songs like 'The Story Of The Sword' (which has a killer guitar riff as it's intro, by the way) without feeling too self-conscious.

Hardly life-affirming, a tad samey, and the production makes the guitars sound perilously close to being over-produced and polished, but this is an enjoyable album for a quick shot of traditional metal tomfoolery.


Cryonic Temple Official Website
Limb Music Products