Crystal Viper - Legends

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Polish true metallers with easily their best album. Some of these tunes have the ghost of classic Running Wild running through them. None more than this great tune Black Leviathan. The lady on the mic has a strong accent and some pronunciation problems but for me this all adds to the charm. She has actually improved a lot as a vocalist from the previous Crystal Viper album and so have the band in general. They mix up styles quite well too. Sometimes they sound like a straight RW worship band and then some times Maiden influences creep in and then something heavier at times. I like the fast melodic songs best of all. Check her pronunciation of the word Leviathan or "Levy-ay-ten" as she sings it! Very cute! I can just imagine Rock 'n Rolf belting this one out it's that good a tune.

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