CSC Show Control - using for clicks & track


Aug 31, 2007
Surrey, UK
So basically been running my click and track off an mp3 player up to now which works great but I kinda liked the idea of being able to fade samples out like pads and also if the track has 2 different elements such as 808 drums and strings being able to adjust the volume of each. I get cubase or similar will do this but I stumbled onto this as a visiting company at my work (I work in a theatre) was using it to play sound effects and underscore.

The thing I liked about it was that some of the sound effects were played till the actor had finished his bit and then the software would fade them off an a tap of the spacebar and in some cases fade out the last sound cue whilst starting the next. There is endless possibilities for using this as my playback for my band so I started testing it.

So my first test was to bounce the intro section out of cubase so I had 4 seperate wav files, click, 808 drums, ebow guitars and strings. I panned the click to left as normal and panned the rest to the right and you have a fader for each waveform which is a win. The other thing I tested was with a static pad which just drones behind a guitar line which is not to a click live so I set it in the cue stack to fade with a 10 second fade and this is triggered by the spacebar. Seems to be perfect for what I need just a shame it looks like shit and isn't the easiest bit of software to use. If you have ever used a strand or congo lighting desk(s) the cue list makes perfect sense but still took me 30 mins to get my head around it.
I have ordered a cheap USB footswitch off ebay which will act as the spacebar so I will see how stable it is at rehearsal. I think it will be ok and I'm happy that I can mix the parts on the fly if need be.
Anyway have a look, its free

Ps I forgot to say its free